
23rd DecemberOpen 9.30am -12.30pm
24th DecemberClosed
25th DecemberClosed
26th DecemberClosed
27th DecemberClosed
28th DecemberClosed
29th DecemberClosed
30th DecemberClosed
31st DecemberClosed
1st JanuaryClosed
2nd JanuaryClosed
3rd JanuaryClosed
4th JanuaryOpen

We will be unable to respond to email enquiries during the closed days.

You may still be able to call our local helpline number 0808 278 7926, but this will not be answered by ourselves and will overflow to the national team.

The phones will not be available on the Bank Holiday days

We anticipate that our first day back will be extremely busy, so please bear with us.

We will try to respond to emails as efficiently as possible and we will attempt to contact people who we said we would contact for an appointment in the New Year.

We will not be available for people turning up at the office. This is so that we can deal with the above enquiries

Please go to www.citizensadvice.org.uk

for information and advice, including template letters.

Other useful numbers:

Consumer Helpline – 0808 223 1133 Lines are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

Lines are closed on bank holidays.

National Debtline – Freephone 0808 808 4000

During the holiday period access is available via their website nationaldebtline.org

Shelter Cymru – Urgent helpline: 08000 495 495

Open 9.00am – 2.30pm Monday to Friday.

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